Monday, 26 September 2011

Deal With Your Past Properly

Pastor Johannes Nare’s sermon in brief
25 September 2011

God does not have an interest to people who always dig what is behind. The statistics say most women like to go back where they are coming from. Even after they got married, they want to be treated that way; saying “Don’t forget where I come from.” These people need a special treatment. These kinds of people, they will make your life difficult. It is even difficult to advise them. Because if you try to do so, they will say, “Don’t forget where I come from.”

Let’s look at your life... the dangers of focussing on your past. I want to be specific bretheren today because it doesn’t help to be more spiritual while many people in church are wounded. Some has decided to be more spiritual.

Most mothers are wounded spiritually; especially our kids and sisters. Some are coming from abusive backgrounds. So when they grow up, they didn’t deal with their bruises in a properly manner. Some of them became too spiritual; they say, “Don’t worry pastor I am praying.”  After praying, the same thing comes back to that particular person. If you don’t deal with your past, it simple means you are living with a wound-unhealed. Do not spiritualise your situation. It will hurt you big time.

Visit relevant people; visit social workers; visit psychologists; visit pastors and try to solve your problems. Certain things happened in your life in the past; but the question is; did you solve them? You will never clothe your past no matter what.

Let me tell you something about a wound. If a wound is not getting healed it will hurt you again. When it hurts you, it doesn’t hurt you on the same place again. It spreads all-over your body. No wonder everytime we are hospitalised. You are not hospitalised because you are sick but because of your past. The moment you think about your past you get depressed. Becuase there is a wound that has been opened up. That wound is not healed. You live with it wherever you are.

Now, once you don’t solve your problem it will not affect you; but it will affect all the people around you; your wife, your children, your husband everyone. Everytime you say something you want to be treated special. She will always say, “I passed on this route.” This person is contaminated. Pastors are nolonger able to preach because you will always bring your past, and ask the pastor not to mention certain things that happened to you.

Stop blaming your past; deal with your past and carry on with your life.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Don’t Focus On What Is Behind You

By Pastor Johannes Nare (Senior Pastor)

Luke 9:62
62 “Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God.”

Philipians 3:13
13 “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind me and straining toward what is ahead,” 14 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

There’s only one thing that I’m doing in my life. I don’t count what I have done yesterday, and I’m not turning to what I have done to other people. I’m forgetting what is behind me, and I am pressing forward.

Don’t consume tomorrow by feeding yesterday... There are so many people who spend more time in what they have done in the past. The more they look back to what they have done, the more they perish. We are so surprised why your life is not progressing; not knowing that you are still living in the past. Paul said, ‘There’s only one thing that I am doing, I am forgetting what is behind me.’ Paul was a serial killer; he killed so many pastors; he killed so many bishops; he destroyed many churches; he even killed the arch-bishops when Jesus met him in the book of Acts Chapter 9. Look at this man; he didn’t count what he did but he said, ‘I am running forward where my crown is; because if I spend time in my past I will kill myself.’

How many people are counting what they have done? People kill themselves today because they look back to what they have done; and they conclude by saying they are useless. You start blaming God, and say why this happened to me? And you will see no reason to worship Him.

People will always remind you about your past; people start point fingers at you because they know what you did in the past. Every man and woman knows you; every boy and girl knows you; that’s okay! Don’t focuss in your past; don’t focuss to what people are telling you. Run forward, run forward... Don’t look back because there’s no life in the past. Why are you looking back? What will make you not to look back?

God said to Moses, “Tell my children to move on and stop complaining. Let them not look back to where they come from. They must not look at the Egyptians for I will deal with them.” God will deal with your situation. Don’t look back! Leave everything to God. Whatever you have done, don’t look back. If you want to rebuild your life, look forward – don’t look back.

Your failures today cannot determine your destination. Press on and don’t look back. Useless people in the Kingdom of God are those who look back. You will never forgive others if you focus in your past. Press on – press on – press on and don’t look back!

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