Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Recorded by: Kabelo Badimo

‘I have served the Lord; I have prayed a lot. I have fasted for long periods of time; I have supported fellow Christians at their weddings; I also have grieved with them at funerals. Yet my prayers aren’t answered.’

Genesis 1:26 states that God created the earth and everything that exists within it. It then describes how He eventually decided to create man to look after this earth. He made this man out of His own image. With that thought, know that when we hurt someone’s feelings, we also do hurt God. In other words we hurt the image of God… So then, how can we expect to receive from the one who we often hurt?

Our prayers are not answered also because we have moved from where we were positioned by the Lord. In Genesis 37:12-20, Joseph’s brothers did not receive their blessing because they had moved from the land of Shechem. Their father expected them to herd his flock in Shechem, but they went to Dothan instead. Brethrens do not be dis-positioned from where God has placed you!   

A certain man was a sinner. He used to rape, steal and murder. He always defeated the ends of justice as he was wealthy and could afford the best lawyers. Every time he faced criminal charges, he favoured and relied on a certain lawyer to bail him out. So he’d face a charge, but then a day later walk free with the assistance of his lawyer. This went on until there came a time when the lawyer was promoted into being a Judge. The man’s treachery then came to an end. The same is with Jesus. He is still our defender and still represents us. There will come a time when he will take over and be the judge. So let us repent while there is still time to do so.

 Ask the Lord to help you be re-positioned. When you are in position with what God wants, He shall lift you up.

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