Monday 22 August 2011

Identify Your Strong Man In Your Life

The sermon of the 20th August 2011

By Pastor Maphonyane

Matthews 12:29, 34 & 35
I John 5:4 & 5

We spoke much about breaking the barriers.  We spoke about identifying your enemy; to identify your strong man. There is one thing I learn about Jesus; that when He came to earth, He came to buy us back, or He came to win us over after we have sinned against the Lord; after the world have sinned against the Lord. Jesus came as a sacrifice for us to be brought back. So when you speak about Jesus, you speak about the Man who is Kingdom-oriented; you speak of a Man whose desire is for us to be reunited with God; when you speak about Jesus, you speak about a Man who brings victory to people; a Man who brings life to people. When you see Jesus, you see the possibilities.

We are then challenged bretheren to be possessed by the Kingdom, as Jesus was. Our major goal about salvation is that, one day we see God. Jesus is Kingdom-focussed. We don’t need to forget the purpose of our salvation.

Before Jesus spoke about the strong man, He spoke of the Kingdom.

(Get Pastor Maponyane’s preaching on DVD. Bring your empty DVD-R)

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