Monday, 29 August 2011

Sunday Message (28 August 2011)

By Pastor Johannes Nare

Scripture read on the book of: Nehemiah 4:1-7

The God that we worship, when He reaches somebody’s life He makes it a point that He leaves that person with something new. You might not listen when God is speaking to you; you might not tithe when sometimes the pastor is telling you to do so. But the God that I know; the God that we pray; the God that we worship will never let you go home alone. Even if you go home and sleep, or go to the shop and try to forget; But when you sit, there’s a voice that will speak to you. That is why I say, when God reaches the heart, He will never leave the heart unattended.

When God visits you in your “situation”, even though the pains are still there, there’s something God is attending. Some people complain about their children and they say, “Pastor, my children are disrespectful. I tried to take them to church, but they don’t want to obey the pastor’s teachings.” No! They obey the pastor, but unfortunately they don’t want to take what God is telling them. Let me assure you; that particular child, God will visit him being alone. One day you will be surprised when your child comes in, and you will wonder why your child is making such noise in your house; and that time you have given up. You have even named your family a disobidient family to God. You have already surrendered your family to the devil; you have surrendered your finances to the devil; and surrendered all your first borns to the devil because you say, “These people won’t listen to God, why should I go on telling them to do what is right?” But let me tell you something today; you need not to give up to what God has given you. Even though they don’t listen today, one day they will listen; Even though they don’t take orders today, one day they will be sleeping alone and God will visit them.

We are serving a gracious God whose favour is on everyman. God doesn’t care how much people have lebelled your life; when God touches you, everything becomes new. People will always look for the bad in you. Out of the good you are, they will be in the lookout for the wrong and they nail you. Don’t allow people to describe you. There’s no way you can build your life if you allow people to describe your life. They will tell you how bad you are; they will say you cannot make it; your business cannot make it; you can not make it in marriage; you are not a working type; you are not a marriage type; you are not a singing type; you are not a preaching type. Who told you that? Don’t take what the people are saying about you. Take what God is saying about you.

When God says you are the son of God, you are the son of God; When God says you are a daughter of God, you are a daughter of God; When God says you are a priesthood, you are a priesthood; If He says you are okay you are okay. Stop listening to what the people are saying. If people are saying your are poor, say I am rich; when people are saying I am weak, say I am strong; when people are saying you are not a woman, say I am a man with a womb. If they say you are ugly and no man will approach you, tell them God approached me long ago. Be persistence to what you are called to do. Do not be discouraged. People will laugh at you, but don’t listen to what they are saying, listen to what God is saying.

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